


Err sacrificing massage time, watching The Vampire Diaries and early sleep, just to get to the 35th page of this chapter.

Was seriously considering getting a massage because my body was sooooo sore a while ago, but fought with the thought every minute at 9pm until 10:20pm haha (the spa closes at 11pm) πŸ˜‰ πŸ˜‰

And im actually into Vampire Diaries now. I started during Christmas break. And im now on to Season 2 episode 18 or 19. I can actuakly finish the season by tonight. But also fought that desire. Hahahaha. Im crushing on Ian Somerholder now.

For the New Year, i actually wanted to sleep earlier now, like by 11 or 12 midnight the latest. I guess, tonight will be a sacrifice. Tomorrow im planning on going to Starbucks to finish the rest of the chapter. At 7 am. Because i am that determined to finish it by lunch time, hopefully. ‘Cause im still planning to do some advance notes on Pharma if theres time. But more on doing my Pharma manual, and the CPC that is due next Tuesday but i couldnt delay so that it wouldnt bother me by Sunday or Monday. Haha! Well here’s to figting my vices, and hoping for a fruitful new year!

Heart, Watch

This movie

I just had to point out, that on Dec 23, 2013, I have watched this film. And I believe it’s one of the best movies I’ve seen this year. Probably the best for me. A movie that’s really close to my heart. As in, closest to the truth.

And now, I have a movie to watch for Valentine’s Day 2014.

Little, Med


Maybe it’s because im gonna have my menstruation? πŸ˜›

Pissed because I left my eyelash curler and mascara at the dorm, two things I bought for an event tom.

Err, really wanted to comment this on a facebook friend’s pic: “where’s daddy? we havent seen him yet!”

Pissed because I got really low scores for my exams this week. Totally, where did that come from? Ugh.

Or perhaps, im just easily pissed because of lack of sleep. πŸ˜›

BYERS! :))


What im learning from being single and living alone in a dorm

That I can be my own light. Based from my previous entry, I can also be my worst enemy. anyway, woke up and my first thought was, “It’s okay, because there will be a greater love.” Then that’s the hope.

So on a lighternote, even though I get sad most of the times, I learn to depend on my own happiness too. Like how in every darkness, I turn it around. Yep, the mind is really a powerful thing. πŸ™‚


Hanging on by a very thin thin thread

Catching Fire was so depressing. Loved the acting though, and the story, maybe I should read the book. On a darker note…

Love is like oxygen” Yep, felt that while watching the movie and while on the way back to the dorm. I felt like I was choking. My birthday’s coming up soon, and I’m wondering how I’m gonna survive another year. I’m giving up. I’m Β becoming desperate again. I’m giving up that one dream of my life. It seems impossible. how can I find someone if that someone, I realized, is me? And I kept whispering the other day, “what have you done? what have you done?

So how am I going to survive another year? It seems like a torture. But on a lighter note, I would like to live it like it’s my last year of life. How? I don’t know yet. But I can see myself, closing in again like turtle, and keeping everyone out.

I have lived for a decade and can you imagine, 10 years of torture. But i lived, i learned, i learned that was the most important thing. And I’ve met people, I’ve smiled. But I keep coming back.
